This is what she had to say:
"My 3 days here have been really useful to me and have strengthened my understanding of what goes on behind the scenes in Information Services. My first day centred on Customer Services, I was introduced to ‘customer service mapping’ which emphasises the role of the customer in everyday processes. Working with the Lending Team was more hands-on, I was able to observe processes such as digitising, document supply and meeting with customers at the enquiry desk. My third day working with subject librarians was most interesting as I was able to see how the staff liaise with the different departments. The special collections were also interesting as I got to sit in on a meeting regarding a planned World War One display of Welsh students who went to war, which was particularly interesting to me as a History student.
After my time here I’ve found that each member of staff is responsible for multitude of different tasks so work never gets boring. The taster has really strengthened my understanding of Information Services and made me sure that I’d be interested in a career in librarianship or similar. It was great to experience things here and the staff were all very supportive and friendly".
Sarah Gwenlan, Laura Nichols and Joy Cadwallader in Hugh Owen Library, Penglais Campus