Wednesday 12 February 2014

A day in the life of a librarian #2

Anita Saycell, the Information Studies and Management and Business librarian.

8.45am: I arrive at work drenched from the journey in. A quick change and then at my desk catching up with emails. As any part-timer knows the emails don’t stop even though you are not in work! One of which includes a request for a 10 minute lecture drop in to chat about finding resources for an assignment. I find these are the best sessions as they are at the point of need and relevant.

Thursday 6 February 2014

A day in the life of a librarian #1

Question: What do librarians do?
Clue: It doesn't usually involve stamping books.
To get the answer, read on in this new series of blog posts! We've already had a 'meet your librarian' series, and will continue to write those. This series is 'a day in the life of a librarian' and will give you an insight into what some of the librarians do on a typical day. We'll just pick a few events from each day.

I'll kick this series off: I'm Karl Drinkwater, the psychology librarian.

This is where I work (standing up).
I call it The Temple of Doom.