Friday 20 May 2016

Aber LibTeachMeet is coming on the 9th June 2016! 
This year's theme is: How do libraries make you more employable? 
Amongst librarians across all sectors, one of the most rapidly changing and increasingly important elements of our work is Employability.    


We’re hoping to bring together librarians from different sectors to discuss and share experiences of how your work contributes to someone’s employability, and a chance to find out and exchange viewpoints on work-ready skills. 
So come along to our LibTeachMeet in Medrus 1Penglais Campus, Aberystwyth University on Thursday 9th June 2016, and share your experiences of contributing to employability. This event is being sponsored by the CILIP Information Literacy Group and is free to attend. 
To book your place please visit:  


Monday 9 May 2016

Refresh/create your Aspire Reading Lists – new deadline for Semester 1

This is an early reminder to refresh your existing Aspire lists and create any new lists needed for the coming academic year.

The deadline for modules taught in Semester 1 (or taught over both semesters) is: July 31st (a month later than last year)

The deadline for distance learning modules is: June 30th

FYI the Semester 2 deadline remains at November 30th.

Remember: you must add a note for library saying “Please digitise” for any chapter or article that needs digitising, even if has been digitised in the past, or they will not be digitised for 2016-2017. Then re-publish your Aspire list.

New: if your Aspire list has not been (re)published at any time in the 52 weeks prior to the deadline, any digitisations for that list will not be processed for 2016-2017.

New: if your module does not need a reading list e.g. a placement year, you can indicate this in Astra. This will ensure it is not counted when Information Services collates statistics about departmental usage of Aspire.

New: How to manage an Aspire list if the module code is changing

If you have created a draft list in Aspire and you can’t link it to the hierarchy, or you would like some Aspire training or a refresher, or you have a question about this blog: please contact the Academic Engagement librarians: 01970621896