Monday, 17 August 2015

Box of Broadcasts - Now Available!

Aberystwyth University’s ongoing investment in its library resources continues with the fantastic Box of Broadcasts (or “BoB"!) This “user-friendly system allows staff and students to record and catch-up on missed programmes on and off-campus, schedule recordings in advance, edit programmes into clips, create playlists, embed clips into VLEs, share what they are watching with others, [and] search a growing archive of material”. This archive currently runs to over one million programmes and the site provides access to over 60 radio and TV channels.

Latest enhancements listed on the site include:

• “the addition of all BBC TV and radio content dating from 2007 (800,000+ programmes)
• over 10 foreign language channels, including French, German and Italian
• an extended 30 day recording buffer – more time to record missed programmes
• a new look website, improved navigation
• Apple iOS compatibility – watch BoB on handheld devices
• searchable transcripts
• links to social media – share what you’re watching online
• a one-click citation reference, allowing you to cite programmes in your work”

There is also a Twitter feed: @bufc_bob where not only are site updates posted but there are tweets from users reporting interesting finds in the BoB archive.
Click Box of Broadcasts  to access the site, sign in with your Aber credentials and enjoy unparalleled access to a wealth of TV and radio broadcasts.

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