Tuesday 30 June 2015

Free access to over 170 million company records

The data has previously been available to the public but at a cost.  This week the Beta version has been released to allow free searching and viewing of the 170 million records available.  The data includes financial accounts, company filings, past and current director details.


Wednesday 24 June 2015

2015 Aber LibTeachMeet. Finding Time for the Past: Special Collections in the Internet Age.

The 2015 Aber LibTeachMeet held at the Hugh Owen Library on the 3rd June, was a great success. For full details of the event, please visit:  https://aberlibteachmeet.wordpress.com/2015/06/10/we-found-time-for-the-past/

Monday 1 June 2015

Tuesday 30th June: Aspire Reading Lists deadline for Semester 1

Add your reading lists to Aspire for modules being taught in Semester 1 (or being taught both semesters) by June 30th to ensure there is sufficient time to buy books and digitise materials for Blackboard for the new academic year. 

Please contact your subject librarian or the Academic Services team acastaff@aber.ac.uk 01970621896 if you would like some one-to-one help to begin adding your lists to Aspire. Find self-paced training materials  here (help sheets, videos, a presentation and FAQs).

If you have already added your lists, use this checklist to update them ready for teaching and library resourcing.