Thursday 30 October 2014

Access to Hart Collection (Law) & Human Rights Law Collection ebooks (Bloomsbury)

Aberystwyth University has access to Hart Collection and Human Rights Law Collection via Bloomsbury.  The Hart Collection includes nearly 100 titles from Hart’s front list, including International Law and Child Soldiers and The Law and Practice of Piracy at Sea.  The Human Rights Law Collection consists of 40 titles including Current Problems in the Protection of Human Rights and Freedom of Artistic Expression: Essays on Culture and Legal Censure.

You can access the platform directly at:

The trial will expire 30 November, 2014.

Monday 20 October 2014

International Open Access Week, 20th – 26th October 2014

International Open Access Week, 20th – 26th October 2014, offers an opportunity for the academic and research community to learn more about the potential benefits of Open Access (OA) – free, online access to results of scholarly research, and the right to use and re-use those results.

OA has the power to transform the way research and scientific inquiry is conducted; with research
funders and Funding Councils alike, recently launching OA policies.

However, the implementation of OA is not without its issues. The AU OA working group, an Information  Services and Department of Research, Business and Innovation collaboration, invites AU academics and  researchers to a series of events scheduled across OA week.

These events include:

* Q & A session with HEFCE HE Policy Advisor Ben Johnson, and representatives from the
publishing community, PLOS, JISC Monographs, Biomed Central and Wiley - Arts Centre Cinema, morning of Friday 24 October, 9.30 a.m.

* PURE refresher training sessions, 12pm Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd October, Hugh Owen
Training Room. Spaces bookable via CDSAP webpages.

* “Who owns what and what can they do with it? Copyright and your research publications
workshop” (Tuesday 21 October, 1-2 pm) with AU Data Protection and Copyright Manager, Dr Jonathan Davies.  Please send us  or bring along licences/copyright agreements which you have been asked to sign when publishing articles.  Send licences (or screenshots of licences) and any questions to

Steve Smith