Monday 20 May 2019

Literature Online: new platform August 1st 2019

Literature Online is migrating to a new platform on August 1st at this location:

Please find here ProQuest’s description of the highlights.

All bookmarks and links will direct automatically to the new Literature Online.

Important: if you have stored records, searches etc. in My Archive, these will not be transferred so if you need them please log in and retrieve them now:

Both platforms are currently running simultaneously but the old one will be switched off on August 1st.

Contact for further information or to arrange a demonstration.

Monday 13 May 2019

EndNote X9 desktop software: now free to download for AU students and staff

Due to a change in licensing, EndNote reference management software can now be downloaded at no cost to Windows and Mac computers owned by AU students and staff. 
  • Log into the software download page: 
  • Choose Windows or Mac from the Operating Systems menu
  • Find EndNote X9 in the software menu, click Download and follow the instructions
FYI EndNote can already be downloaded to institution-owned computers via the AU Software Centre:

Find out more about how EndNote can support your research by storing and formatting your references, and where to get training and advice at Aber.

Contact the Academic Engagement team by email or phone 01970621896 if you have any questions.