Thursday 27 May 2010

BFI InView

We have recently set up access to BFI InView. It contains over 2,000 non-fiction film and television titles from the 20th century to the early 21st. It is easily searchable and clearly organised under six main Themes, each with an introductory essay by an academic historian.

Monday 17 May 2010

Critical review: printed journals for withdrawal and planning collection moves

Information Services is continuing to review access to existing printed journal collections. Staff and students increasingly use electronic resources over the print equivalent and demand on space in the Hugh Owen Library is increasing as it begins to service a growing number of departments relocated to the Penglais Campus.

This requires a critical review of existing library collections and the next phase is to consider withdrawing the print versions of arts, humanities and social sciences journals available electronically on JSTOR under the UKRR scheme.

Friday 7 May 2010

See Newton's Principia in Early English Books Online

See Newton's Principia as featured in episode one of The Story of Science on BBC2 in Early English Books Online (EEBO). Each page has been digitised so AU staff and students can view the text as it was originally published in 1687. EEBO comprises more than 125,000 of the earliest books printed in the English language and full-text searching has already been added to many of the digitised titles. Browse a list of important online resources to which Aberystwyth University is subscribed, or find them gathered by subject in eLibrary.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

IS Study Space Survey

Help the University "Learning Spaces Group" understand what kinds of spaces you need for your studies/research by completing this survey. We'll be using the results to shape our plans.

There are only three pages of short questions - we really want to have your input into our plans, so please complete as much as you can.

The survey is completed anonymously, can be saved part way through and takes around 15 minutes to compete.