Friday 2 October 2009

Electronic-only subscriptions

The Library alerted and sought feedback from academic departments in the summer that we intended to move to electronic-only subscriptions for Oxford University Press, Springer, Cambridge University Press and Elsevier journals from January 2010 onwards. This has now taken place. Please see the lists of journal titles which have been converted to e-only.

This is part of a bigger review of access to existing print journal collections, as staff and students increasingly use electronic resources over the print equivalent and as current library space in Hugh Owen and the sectional libraries is increasingly full. Over the next few years we expect to see a reduction in total library space as the new Estates Strategy comes into play with an increasing concentration of library activity on Penglais Campus. Inevitably this will require a critical review of existing library collections as we seek to weed duplicate materials and relegate or even dispose of certain older less used materials. To help take this forward, the University has joined the UK Research Reserve, a national initiative which will ensure that adequate holdings of and access to, major research materials are maintained.

We will be discussing this at Information Services Users Committee and with individual Departments at Round Table meetings in the coming year. Please contact your subject librarian if you would like to arrange a meeting.

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