Wednesday 11 August 2010

Top 10 academic items in CADAIR for July 2010

Top 10 academic items in CADAIR for July 2010:
1. Modern Bedouin exposures to copper contamination: an imperial legacy? (Grattan, John et al) (2160/231) FULL TEXT
2. Dictionary of Continental Celtic Place-Names: A Celtic Companion to the Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World (Falileyev, Alexander) (2160/282) PDF MAP
3. Salivary antimicrobial peptides (LL-37 and alpha-defensins HNP1-3), antimicrobial and IgA responses to prolonged exercise (Davison, Glen et al) (2160/2759) LINK TO ARTICLE

4. The effects of acute vitamin C supplementation on cortisol, interleukin-6, and neutrophil responses to prolonged cycling exercise (Davison, Glen et al) (2160/3583) LINK TO ARTICLE
5. Bagging linear sparse Bayesian learning models for variable selection in cancer diagnosis (Lu, Chuan et al) (2160/3984) FULL TEXT
6. Analyses of patterns of copper and lead mineralisation in human skeletons excavated from an ancient mining and smelting centre in the Jordanian desert (Grattan, John et al) (2160/181) FULL TEXT
7. Rethinking the Security Dilemma (Wheeler, Nicholas et al) (2160/1924) FULL TEXT
8. Redesigning health administration for the medical profession (Preston, Hugh et al) (2160/1814) LINK TO ARTICLE
9. Molecular dynamics simulation for nanoscale deep indentation of a copper substrate by single-walled carbon nanotube tips (Hsieh, J. Y. et al) (2160/2593) LINK TO ARTICLE
10. An Imperial Legacy? An Exploration of the environmental impact of ancient metal mining and smelting in southern Jordan. (Pyatt, Brian et al) (2160/232) FULL TEXT

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