Thursday 19 July 2012

Meet your Academic Services Librarian #6

This year we will do a series of posts introducing you to the members of the Academic Services Team. This time it is the librarian for English & Creative Writing, Modern Languages and Theatre, Film and Television Studies.

Joy Cadwallader
My name is Joy Cadwallader and I was a monitor in the library at school, an online library catalogue builder in my 20s, an IT help desk advisor in a library in my 30s and now learning and teaching librarian in my 40s. The books have been following me around :)

At work I am interested in how librarians can help students when they find that more is expected of them e.g. when beginning a degree, starting a dissertation or becoming a postgraduate. This coming academic year I plan to spend more time in academic departments so you can ask me questions in passing and I can find out more about how and when we can best help you via training, resources and support. In my spare time I am studying for a Library & Information Masters (part-time by distance learning), adding some theory to the observations and feedback at work.

In the gaps between work and study I like to walk the hills, cook with chilli peppers and listen to the Archers and Radiohead (but not at the same time). When I get the chance I also love ballroom-dancing and karaoke.

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