Friday 29 November 2013

Understanding the Researcher

I am conducting a research project into better understanding the ways Researchers interact and view the library service (or don’t).

The aim of the project is to build an understanding of the different ways that researchers work and so develop an appreciation of their unique standpoint. By gathering the views of researchers from a variety of disciplines, at different career stages it is hoped a fuller picture can be drawn. This will allow the library services to better match those practices with relevant resources and training.

To achieve this I am undertaking a series of short interviews with willing researchers. The 11 questions only take 15-20 minutes and have already revealed many interesting insights into the way researchers work.  It is my hope to be able to gather views from all the departments at Aberystwyth University so that the different disciplines are equally represented.

If anyone would like to discuss this further, or arrange a time for the interview, please contact me at or my Manager, Lillian Stevenson at

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